085 833 6669 - Ook op Whatsapp! info@deadministratieonline.nl

Welcome to De Administratie Online

First of all welcome to De Administratie Online.

With the information asked in the form below we will set up your bookkeeping with us. As soon as this is done you will receive an email with more detailed information about how everything works. You will also receive your login details for your own personal account.

If you have any questions or remarks please do not hesitate to contact us. You can do this by email: info@deadministratieonline.nl, by phone at 085 833 6669 or by filling in our contact form.

Personal information:


Company information:

BTW number has to be in following format: NL123456789B01

Please not that NL and B have to be capital letters.

In case you do not have a BTW (VAT) number you can leave this field blank

Information partner 2:


Gegevens vennoot 3:


You received a quote from us and with accepting the terms and conditions you agree that we will work according to the quote.

You can find our terms and conditions here: algemene voorwaarden. (for now only available in Dutch) In case you need any assistance please let us know.


Please go through our terms and conditions before proceeding. If you need any assistance please let us know.

Algemene voorwaarden


You need to agree to our terms and conditions before being able to continue.

If you need assistance or have a question or remark please contact us at: info@deadministratieonline.nl or through our contact page